Getting The Love You Desire

Posted by Alyson Curtis
May 24, 2020

Love is all around — or so they say. It seems everyone is coupled up this Valentine’s Day. But whether you’re in a two-some or going at it alone, there’s one element to having a Valentine’s Day that promises a day full of love. Self-love is the key ingredient that can make any relationship, especially the one with yourself, even stronger and more vibrant so that you can consistently feel a secure, an unconditional source of love. And who, with a beating heart, doesn’t want that?

If you’re currently in a relationship, then you might be rolling your eyes at this point and thinking, “Yeah, but being in a relationship means it’s someone else’s job to give me love.” You’re not wrong. But relying on someone else to give you love creates a lot of issues. What happens when your spouse is stressed at work and forgets you exist? What happens when your partner’s mother dies, rendering them useless in the giving department, and in total need of your love for an indeterminable amount of time? Do you file for divorce? If you’ve ever been in a relationship before, then you know firsthand that they are not a cure-all solution to your bottomless hungry heart.

Today’s post will focus on self-love and you can use it to improve your life and upgrade your operating system. If you would like to learn more about how to improve your mental health, then contact Citron Hennessey in Manhattan. Our counseling services are designed to help you learn to thrive.


If you’re currently single and you have been navigating the world of dating in order to put an end to that overwhelming feeling of loneliness, then bear with me. As explained above, relationships are not a viable solution to fill any void you feel within. While they typically offer an attractive person to distract you from that void, they also often leave you feeling disappointed and empty. Unlike being single, relationships ask you to consistently give love to someone else. It can truly be a wonderful thing, as long as it’s consistently returned.

Feeling a bit duped? As a woman who grew up with Disney-princess culture and the belief that genuine love was just a relationship away, I’m right there with you. Like most people, I spent all this time thinking that love was to be sought outside of oneself. The good news is that we can begin to foster self-love within ourselves anytime and anywhere. What better time to start than now?


In her research on self-compassion, Dr. Kristin Neff, approaches understanding self-love as showing the same kindness to yourself that you would show to a loved one. As a therapist who sees both individuals and couples, I cannot emphasize enough how hard people are willing to work in order to receive love in their relationships. The real issue is not that it’s not reciprocated, but rather it is that their efforts are expended on the wrong person. Clinical Psychologist Aleks George Srbinoski explains, “It’s how people feel around you, that determines how attracted they are to you, much more than the physical body.” This information is extremely compelling for two reasons: we can give up the battle trying to harness love from those that refuse to give it, and we can actually attract the kind of epic love we dream for by first loving ourselves. And if you need further persuasion, according to Dr. Neff’s research reported in the New York Times, practicing self-compassion reduces risk of anxiety and depression, while increasing your optimism.


So how do we start the process of loving ourselves? First, make a commitment to yourself, as you would a partner, declaring the relationship. Many people are delighted to celebrate milestones and anniversaries with loved ones. The concept of exclusivity with another is officially marked, so why not do the same with your relationship to you? Make the commitment right now to yourself, that you promise to prioritize this relationship, treat yourself with loving-kindness, and that you will consistently nurture and care for this relationship so that it may blossom into a reliable source of love.

Now, begin to engage in this relationship. This part will vary depending on your unique love-style, but it resembles the way in which you would love someone else. Do you love receiving a luscious bouquet of flowers? Send them to yourself! Do you feel supported and secure when your partner points out your strengths after a terrible day? Write down those affirmations on your own and read them back. How you show yourself love is all up to you. The next time you feel that particularly, plaguing-hole of emptiness from within, ask yourself how you wish someone else would fill it, and then fill it yourself. It may feel strange at first, but don’t all new relationships experience ‘clunkiness’ in the beginning?

Unlike our relationships with others, which often face waves of highs and lows, you are in total control of the relationship with yourself. You set the bar for how much love you want to give and receive. Even after a moment of criticism and shame, you can choose forgiveness and loving acceptance. Even after months of little to no special attention, you can choose to recommit to self-love and practice it instantly. In no other relationship do we have that sort of direct control.

Self-love is the most rewarding form of love in existence because you always reap what you sow. This Valentine’s Day, treat yourself to a personal act of self-love. Write a thoughtful card to yourself, make a decadent meal just for you, or go get a solo massage on a day in which everyone is in pairs. Commit to loving yourself year round, and you will never feel a shortage of love on Valentine’s Day again.


If you think you could benefit from speaking with one of our mental health counselors, then give Citron Hennessey a call. Our Manhattan office is a relaxing place for you to meet with our therapists and take steps to improve your life.

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